Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How has technology affected your life Essay

Technology is an essential need in everybody’s life . Without technology , many things would not be able to materialize . As for me , technology has made my life more enjoyable and easy . What is technology ? Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools , processing actions and extracting of materials . In my life there have many great changes in technology . Many of these changes have affected my life greatly . They have made it both easier and faster to do things . The one piece of technology that has affected my life is the computer and all its programs . The computer and all its programs have made my life so much easier . Before the computer was invented you either had to write out what you wanted to say or typewrite it on the typewriter . However this was not always easy because if you made a mistake there was no way to fix it but to write it over again or use white out . With the computer though , mistakes could be made and fixed before I print it out . These mistakes could be solved within seconds by doing a spelling and grammar check . Also the computer I can save my work so if something happens to the first copy another copy could easily be made . With the typewriter and plain old writing it if the original copy was damaged you had to write it over again . Another great thing about the computer is that it is fast . If I were to write this essay by hand it would take me about twice the time because I would have to write the letters instead of just pressing buttons to get the letters on the screen . Next the computer has many programs on it like all of the Microsoft Office programs so that I could do all of my school work and it sometimes has games on it . One of the useful products of technology would be the television . Usually , my family would sit together in the living room to watch television programmes together after dinner . During this time , we would occasionally talk about the shows that are being broadcasted . This allows my family to interact with each other more often . In the twenty-first century , one of the most important technologies would be the internet . The internet is a system  which allows people to communicate globally . I personally use the internet on a daily basis and find it useful in many ways . Also the computer usually has an internet connection . The internet is the one thing that saves me a boat load of time . On the internet I could research a topic for an essay I am supposed to write for school . This takes the place of going to the library and spending the whole day to find the same information that I could find on the internet in 5 minutes . With the information from the internet I could copy and paste the important info into a word document and use that information to create my reports , but with books I would have to copy the page that has good information on a copier or copy it by hand . Also I could communicate with people on the internet through email right from home while I am doing my reports . The internet makes me feel like the world is at my finger tips all I need to do is explore . The computer has made my life easier and free to do fun stuff by lessoning the time that is spent doing school work . Online gaming is also another big part of my life when I play games over the internet . I am able to make friends with people from other countries . Another part of technology in my life would be the mobile technology . In the olden days , people who wanted to communicate with their relatives in far away places would have only two choices . One was to personally take the trouble to travel to their relatives’ place and another would be via sending letters . Both ways needed huge amount of time , with mobile technology , people’s lives are made easier as they can contact each other anywhere and anytime they want to . Ever since I was a child I have been interested in technology . I remember when I got my first phone . This phone did nothing except keep an alarm and call people . At the time it didn’t have a SIM Card or no service so all I could do was pretend to make calls . Of course I was a child at the time the joy of having a device that had the power to connect to people’s conversations wirelessly  amazed me . When I received my first phone I started to stay more connected with my friends and occa sionally update my schedule each day . When I entered High School , our coach had a â€Å" thing † for writing emails . This kept me up to date with our workout schedule . Now I have a habit of preparing for things weeks before I need to to even worry about them . When I started Facebook I started to stay connected with my friends . I was on it almost everyday , however I started to stop using Facebook before my SPM year . Without information technology I don’t think I would be anywhere as organized as I am now . I personally have a mobile phone too and it has become more than a necessity in my life . With all the technology we have nowadays we dont’t need to get out of the house anymore , you can do everything from the comfort of your home . Almost everything resolves around technology now . What do most people do when they come back from school ? They usually go watch TV , go on the computer or something else like that . People take all of this for granted , what would they do if there was a power cut and they couldn’t watch TV or go on the computer ? Most people would just laze about doing nothing until the power come back on . Not many would pick up a book or do any of the things they would have done when none of these things were round . As a conclusion , technology changed our life into a simple and easy situation without questions . Technology does a lot to make things in life easier , faster , and more efficient . This is so we can do more things in a shorter amount of time , expending the least amount of physical and mental energy possible . At last , technology has certainly revolutionised communication between people , but not all of the outcomes of this revolution have been positive . Technology has changed my life so much and I love it . The world of technology is always changing and I can’t wait to see what is made next .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Exploring Qualitative and Quantitative Research Essay

In psychology, answers to our questions are not as succinct as in other types of sciences, and the findings essentially depend upon the underlying epistemology used. This essay seeks to define and examine the fields of qualitative and quantitative research. It will address the different epistemologies and methodologies of each paradigm, and aim to give you a brief overview of the two main research methods underlying scientific knowledge. Qualitative research is often only defined in contrast to Quantitative research; That is, it does not involve statistics, nor does it depend on the level of objectivity that characterises the quantitative approach. While quantitative research aims to categorise participants in numerical form by creating statistical models to answer specific hypothesises; Qualitative research does not start with a specific hypothesis, instead it seeks to understand behaviours, and experiences (McQueen & Knussen, 2013, p.422). Qualitative researchers tend to operate un der different epistemological beliefs than that of quantitative researchers. Unlike quantitative researchers who use fixed instruments with little flexibility, Qualitative researchers allow questions to emanate and reshape themselves as the research unfolds (Krauss, 2005, p. 759). The qualitative researcher is engaged in the world they investigate, creating an unstructured and reflective element to the research, where the researchers’ knowledge, emotive interactions, and past experiences all form a part of the research (Ponterotto, 2010, p.583). According to Guba and Lincoln (as cited in Ponterotto, 2005, p.128) there are four main research paradigms: postpositivism, constructivism-interpretivism and the critical-ideological and positivism perspective. Of these four paradigms, positivism is solely adopted in the quantitative approach, whereas the three remaining paradigms are utilised in the qualitative approach (Ponterotto, 2010, p.581). Postpositivism is based on critical realism, and uses traditional qualitative methods, in as quantifiable manner as is possible. Postpositivists believe that although there is a reality independent of  human consciousness, one can never truly capture an objective view of this reality (Ponterotto, 2005, p.129). Postpositivists maintain that although the researcher may have some influence on the research, the maintenance of objectivity remains crucial in the research process (Ponterotto, 2005, p.131). Whilst the postpositive paradigm adopts a modified dualist/objectivist approach, the constructivism-interpretivism paradigm is based on relativism. Constructivists consider reality to be experienced differently by each individual, as opposed to being an external and singular reality. (Ponterotto, 2005, p.129). Ponterotto (2005) considers the constructivist paradigm as transactional and subjective, making the interaction between the researcher and participant cardinal in capturing the â€Å"lived experience†; with the researcher and participant, together, construct the findings from their interactions (Pont erotto, 2005, p.129-131). Like constructivists, the criticalists conclude that reality is constructed within a social-historical context, the difference being, that criticalists conceive reality through power relations and use their research to understand victims of oppression and seek to uncover structures of power (Ponterotto, 2005, p.130-131). The researcher’s values play a key role, as participant empowerment and emancipation are the researcher’s goal. Relationships between researchers and participants are subjective and transactional with the relationship being dialectic in nature (Ponterotto, 2005, p.130-131). In contrast to the qualitative paradigms, the main feature of quantitative research is that it mirrors the natural sciences by adopting a positivist approach which is dualist and objective in nature. Positivism assumes the hypothetico-deductive method, that is, researchers start out with a research question and hypothesis, and then formulate a way of measuring or proving it (Ponterotto, 2005, p.128). Ponterotto (2005) further states that the aim of quantitative research is the prediction, and control of variables that can be expressed as mathematical formulas to determine functional relationships. These differing ontological approaches bring to pass differing methodological approaches. Methodology re fers to the processes and procedures of the research. Research methods used include observation, interviews, focus groups, surveys, case studies, questionnaires and analysis of text (Ponterotto, 2005, p.132). Observational research is non-experimental research where a researcher observes ongoing behaviour. It  can be unstructured, semi-structured, structured, participant or non-participant (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.80). Some limitations to this type of research are language and cultural barriers as well as the risk of observer bias, with one of the advantages being that the researcher gains access to information they normally wouldn’t have. Observation is typically used in qualitative research, but can be used in quantitative research prior to designing questionnaires (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.80). As with observation, interviews and focus groups can be structured, semi-structured and unstructured, and can use photographs, notes, videos and tape recordings to improve data quality. Interviewing allows the researcher to guide and prompt things that we cannot observe, it also allows us to get an understanding of the participant’s account of the phenomenon (W ellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.86). Some limitations can be the use of vague questions, and excessive prompting and questioning by the interviewer, which can distort the quality of data. Interviewing is typically utilised in qualitative research, but can be used in quantitative research using closed ended questions (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.86). Another form of methodology is that of Case studies which are an in depth observations of a single subject, or a small group of individuals. Case studies are deemed useful in trying to understand complex psychological phenomenon that either are not well understood or cannot be replicated experimentally (Burton, Westen, & Kowalski, 2012 p.55). Two concerns of using this methodology is observer bias and generalisability due to the small sample size, however, this can be overcome by using a multi-case-study method. This methodology is typically used in qualitative research, however, can also be used in quantitative research (Burton, Westen, & Kowalski, 2012 p.55). As with case studies, questionnaires and surveys are a form of descriptive research. It involves questions about behaviours and beliefs using a larger sample size (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.96). One limitation is the lack of interpretive opportunity, and unintended systemic bias. Surveys and questionnaires are largely used in quantitative research using close ended questions, but can be used in qualitative research using open ended questions. (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.96). The main difference between the fields of study emerge when we look at the methodologies of data analysis. Frost (2011) identifies four main methods of data analysis in  qualitative research, these are grounded theory, interpretive phenomenology (IPA), discourse analysis, and narrative analysis. Grounded theory entails creating categories and themes and then conducting comparative analysis to generate hypothesis. IPA analyses data by endeavouring to make sense of the participant’s experiences by coding reoccurring patterns and meanings throughout the text. Discourse analysis involves analysing and deconstructing spoken, written, or any significant semiotic event and assigning meaning to it. Narrative analysis focuses on the way people use stories to interpret and give mean ing to the world and provides a useful way for the researcher to explore and describe realities (Frost, 2011, p. 19-94). Two other forms of methodology commonly used, but not discussed here, are ethnography and action research. (McQueen & Knussen, 2013, pp.430-433). Conversely, the core concepts of quantitative research are generalizability, reliability, objective measurement, and validity, coupled with three types of research methods including correlational designs, experimental designs, and descriptive designs (VanderStoep & Johnson, 2008 pp.91-108). Whereas correlation and descriptive designs involves identifying the relationship between two variables, experimental designs allow researchers to make claims of casual inference, which looks at which variable is the cause and which is the effect (VanderStoep & Johnson, 2008 pp.91-108). Quantitative data is analysed using statistical analysis which is made up of descriptive and inferential statistics, and include the, T-test, correlation, standard deviation, mode, mean, and median and chi-square (VanderStoep & Johnson, 2008 pp47-100). In summary, qualita tive and quantitative research methods have a lot to offer in psychological research, but with every research approach there are strengths and weaknesses. Whilst some theorists argue that psychological research can be distorted by subjectivity, others argue that not all human behaviour and thinking is always strictly logical. Whilst qualitative methods are more time consuming and harder to carry out, they emphasise validity and data quality; and while quantitative methods are often thought of as rigid and providing limited data, it ensures reliability (Hayes, 2000 pp. 169-170). It can be seen from the above discussion that different research questions, require different research approaches. Susan O’Neill (1999) conducted a qualitative case study to examine facets of a women’s personality and  subjectivity in her interpretation of living with OCD. The research was conducted in two semi-structured interviews. In the first interview the participant was asked to tell her story about living with OCD. A discursive analysis was then conducted on the narrative and presented to her in the second interview; she was then asked to analyse her reactions to the analysis and provide further clarifications, which identified different aspects of personality of OCD sufferers not previously identified. This study demonstrates the value of using reflexive interviews in order to get a deeper understanding of the participant. In contrast, a study conducted by Porche et al. (2012) in which cognitive performance was tested in methadone patients would not be suitable for qualitative methods. This research utilised tasks to measure psychomotor performance, memory, attention and executive function. Due to the nature of the research and measurement tools used, it would only be suitable to undertake this research as quantitative. In conclusion psychological researchers should clearly understand the study’s purpose and goals before looking at methodology and paradigms to ensure they use a paradigm suitable for the research goal or even consider using mixed research designs. It is also important to understand that the quality of the research is anchored to the correct use or combination of research paradigms, which ultimately should complement and support the research goal (Ponterotto, 2005, p.132). References Burton, L., Westen, D., & Kowalski, R. (2012). Psychology: 3rd Australian and New Zealand edition. Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons. Frost, N. (2011). Qualitative research methods in psychology: Combining core approaches. Retrieved from Hayes, N. (2000). Doing psychological research. Buckingham: Open University Press. Krauss, S. E. (2005). Research paradigms and meaning making: A primer. The Qualitative Report, 10(4), 758-770. Retrieved from McQueen, R. A., & Knussen, C. (2013). Introduction to research methods and statistics in psychology: A practical guide for the undergraduate researcher (2nd ed.). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. O’neill, S. (1999). Living with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A case study of a woman’s construction of self. Counselling Psychology Quarterly 12(1) 73-86. doi: 10.1080/09515079908254079 Ponterotto, J. G. (2002). Qualitative research methods: The fifth force in psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 30(3) 394-406. doi: 10.1177/0011000002303002 Ponterotto, J. G. (2005). Qualitative research in counseling psychology: A primer on research paradigms and philosophy of science. Journal of Counseling Psychology 52(2), 126-136. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.52.2.126 Ponterotto, J. G. (2010). Qualitative research in multicultural psychology: Philosophical underpinnings, popular approaches, and ethical considerations. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(4), 581-58. doi:10.1037/a0012051 Porche, H. K., Umbricht, A., Klevkamp, B. A., Vandrey, R., Strain, E. C., Bigelow, G. E., & Mintzer, M. Z. (2012). Comparison of cognitive performance in methadone maintenance patients with and without current cocaine dependence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 124 (1-2) 167-171. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2011.12.009 Wellington, J. & Szczerbinski, M. (2007). Research methods for the social sciences. Retrieved from VanderStoep, S.W., &Johnson, D. D. (2008). Research methods for everyday life: blending qualitative and quantitative approaches. Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Debeers Case Study/Pov

C. Lo April 11, 2013 DeBeers Consolidated Mines Ltd. 1st POV Situation: DeBeers Consolidated Mines Limited (DBCM) occupies a major presence in the diamond industry. Discoveries of diamonds in the late 1800s were pioneered in South Africa, in which DeBeers held a heavy monopoly over. Since then, they have cultivated an impressive track record and leadership position. The Central Selling Organization (CSO) controls and regulates the flow and sale of rough diamonds, and was acquired by DeBeers in the 1930s. Due to a stable economy both locally and internationally, DBCM was the world’s largest producer and distributor of diamonds in late 1998.However, just before the turn of the century, globalization and developments in international markets had affected all industries of business. This enlarged economy attracted and enabled emerging and junior companies to increase mining competition. Demand for this area of commerce became subject to volatility due to market expansion, in addit ion to the fact that continued existence of such a market was solely linked to disposable consumer income. Problem: The problem at hand concerns the degree of control over rough diamonds and the industry.With increasing market placeholder and pressures from emerging competitors and the attention brought to regulating environmental impact of diamond mines, DeBeers needed to secure their place in the industry and do it without losing significant margins of profit or resources. By 1999, DeBeers Consolidated had a notorious name and major domination of the rough diamond market, with over half of the world’s rough diamonds mined by DBCM, several joint ventures with non-competitors, unparalleled knowledge and assets, and control of over 70 percent of all diamond sales worldwide.DeBeers needed to differentiate themselves from new entrants as well as establish a secure route of long-term control over their precious commodity. Cause: As previously mentioned, the turn of the century ex perienced increasing globalization of the marketplace for not only diamonds, but also all other commodities. This had both positive and negative effects on business. Centralizing focus on the aspects that raised concern were the unfamiliar position of vulnerability in a market DeBeers had dominated for years, as well as the demolition of barriers to entry that existed prior to the market expansion.Remarkably, the aging diamond industry actually produced increases in the prices and value associated with diamonds. Clever promotional and marketing campaigns were the major source of both domestic (U. S. ) and international success in the sincerity and symbolism of what a diamond represented – love. Though DeBeers essentially pioneered the entire culture and reputation of the diamond, the legwork was already done for emerging and junior companies trying to get in on the train of success and profit that DeBeers had trekked alone on for nearly a century.Uncertainty of demand with su ch an increase in possible demand location made for rising concern over the control DeBeers had been used to. Alternative Solutions: 1. The first solution is to continue with what they are doing presently. Without suffering significant losses and without any real singular threats in the realm of competition, DeBeers could exist and continue to be the dominating presence in the diamond industry with their extensive track record and what one asset that no company or amount of time could take away from them – their name.The brand of DeBeers has been generated over years through being in business as the industry leader, through upholding the position of premier diamond resourcer both in domestic and international markets, and for coining the creation and reputation of what the diamond represents is infallible. Continuing on this road with their secured allies, assets and realm of control is more than enough to keep their company a household name. 2. The second solution is to simp ly repeat history.In the past, when presented with a threat like that of the discovery of mines in Siberia, DBCM dipped into their comfortable cushion of finances and bought up all inventory from Russia. This way, DeBeers kept relatively complete control over the diamonds, and swiftly eliminated any possibility of an environmental industry threat toward their future profits, resources or market share. To be straightforward, DBCM decided to follow a motto of â€Å"rather than compete, make sure to make threats obsolete. † Along the same lines, DeBeers also has a history of making alliances for their monopolistic enefit. In the event of mining resources in Botswana, Africa, government 15 percent share was made in DeBeers in 1969. The government licenses that DBCM had compiled over time gave them necessary access and authority to set mining firms in a country where mining availability was plentiful, but availability of entry and control like that of what DeBeers had generated, w as not. 3. The third solution is to liquidate those assets or areas of the company where industry benefit was incomparable to the kind of revenue that the retail and raw diamond sectors brought in.For example, we will turn to what the present economies of countries where DeBeers has a hand in the market, and what the future of those economies looks to be. Asia, China specifically, has a stable economy with the potential for continuous growth, and a future of prosperity where the DeBeers marketing campaigns could be highly successful. With a consumer-base that is likely to have the disposable income to spend on commodities like diamonds, it may be wiser to concentrate efforts in Asia.On the other hand, both the present and future state of the euro is volatile. With such a great deal of uncertainty, it may be conducive in the long run to pull out of the European market, or at least in areas of the market where the future of currency is vulnerable to a decline in value. Decision: The b est alternative solution would be the third, to move away from markets where the economic state is either currently or heading towards instability, and to move toward those markets where the state of the economy is growing with promise for future stability.In comparison to the other alternatives, the third is more practical. Because uncertainty and volatility are the very aspects causing concern over the best course of action to be taken, the third solution actually takes action and implements both the opportunity for high risk and high reward. Pulling out of a market is not a move that DeBeers is used to, however, finding themselves in a sinking economy where losses could be more detrimental the longer they try to hold on could cause a major financial upset.Similarly, acquiring inventory or means of control over resources or markets does not necessarily mean the facilitation of revenue. Though giving up market control in one country would mean freeing up space for competitors to ga in control and so forth, profit, DeBeers can focus their energy on generating revenue in growing economies, and making their presence in those financially-stable countries that much stronger.Action Plan: Stakeholders, specifically shareholders who may have been originally attracted to invest in DeBeers due to their massive scope of control over the diamond industry, may not be welcoming to the idea of forfeiting control in some markets, however if they choose to stay on board, a year or two of focused campaigning and profit-generating in countries with growing economies can give them peace of mind. One way of keeping those control-driven shareholders on board with the idea is to share financial forecasts.Breaking the plan down into parts where stakeholders can visually see where costs will be cut, where assets will be allocated, and where revenues will be made could facilitate trust and loyalty to the go with this third alternative solution. Assembling a team to do just this would b e the first step in assuring stakeholders that it would be in their best interest to keep with DeBeers. This team would also be responsible for detailing DBCM’s annual 10K so as to keep financial stakeholders in the know of capital-related progress.Success would be determined by not only profit margins, but visualization of presence in these growing markets. If DeBeers has the ability to build more locations that generate community recognition and acceptance, it will show that planned focus in concentrated areas can be beneficial. References: http://www. businessinsider. com/history-of-de-beers-2011-12? op=1 http://www. bloomberg. com/quote/DBR:SJ http://hbr. org/product/de-beers-and-the-global-diamond-industry/an/905M40-PDF-ENG http://www. studymode. com/subjects/de-beers-consolidated-mines-page1. html http://www. slideshare. net/packetsdontlie/analysis-of-debeers

History of Terrorism in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

History of Terrorism in America - Essay Example History of terrorism in the United States United States has a long history of terrorist attacks and this demonstrates that the act is not a new form of violence. Historical records attest that the practice originated about 2000 years ago when brutal Jewish factions such as Sicariii emerged (Bruce, 1999). Although the world had witnessed numerous brutal attacks on innocent civilians, the term â€Å"terrorism† was not used until 1794 during the French revolution. However, the initial meaning of terrorism was complementary, applied by the state to execute its mandate (Bruce, 1999). According to Burgess, (2003), the earliest recorded terrorist activity in the United States was in 1622. A native Indian group invaded Jamestown colony killing about a third of the total population during the attack. The colonial United States encountered numerous violent internal attacks and rebellions with characteristics of terrorism. The earliest recognized terror organization in the United States was Ku Klux Klan that was formed in independent United States in 1867 (Bryant, 2002). Initially, the group was pacifist but it comprised of racist white people. Nathan Bedford Forrest, formerly a confederate soldier was the first leader of Ku Klux Klan. In 1868 American elections, the group embarked on violence, threats and killing of black people and Republic Party supporters. The organization’s attacks on the innocent population during elections were highly influential in determining early voting pattern across the United States because the group was supporting the Democrats (Burgess, 2003). According to Bryant (2002), the Ku Klux Klan killed over 3000 people, mainly freed black slaves and moderate Republican Party supporters by the time the group reduced its activities and went underground in 1872. The early twentieth century experienced an increased number of terror attacks in the United States. According to Burgess (2003), President McKinley was murdered in 1901 by extre mists and in 1920 terrorists bombed the Wall Street, killing thirty and injuring over 300 people. Moreover, terrorists bombed Los Angeles times building in 1910, killing 21 people in the premises. The period between 1920 and 1960 recorded reduced terror attacks in the United States territory. However, the following decade experienced an increased terror attacks on America interests. This period was characterized by increasing application of the air transport to carry passengers along air routes connecting United States and other countries. The airplanes became new target for terrorists and in 1962, a continental airline plane crashed and then exploded in Missouri, US killing all 45 passengers on board. The American air safety authorities identified terrorism as the cause of the accident (Bruce 1999, p58) The 1960s experienced an upsurge of domestic violence in the United States. According to Casey (2004, p 47), the country witnessed increased violence from the youths who formed a ma jor component of the increasing civil rights movements that lobbied for the rights of minority and disenfranchised groups in the United States. From 1960s to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, several anti-communist, leftists and ethno nationalist organizations emerged in the United Sta

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Strategy and Change Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategy and Change Management - Case Study Example This paper will focus and look into SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis with regards to Human Resource Management of Sony Ericsson in penetrating and merging different personnel in forming the venture that set a new trend to mobile phone industry in the world. When Sony and Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson have made ties in 2001, to produce cellular phones, there were a lot of tremendous changes that transpired between these companies that are now one. Though these companies have their similarities in terms of products they produce, Erricson is limited in producing telecommunication devices while Sony produces a wide array of appliances and electronic gadgets. Upon analyzing the nature of the products these two produces, one might say that there are also differences in the number of employees and the management of staff these companies have. devices and appliance. If we are to deal with the kind of manpower of these two, Erricsson has a more complicated and specialized staff because it deals with a particular product. In this case, one might conclude that detailed manpower specializing in every spare part and division is evident in the rank and file of this company. On the other hand, due to the fact that Sony produces several appliances, it has a complex staff because it deals with the general structure of the appliances that they produce does have similarities with several brands of appliance and in this case, they also employ people with general knowledge and does not require specialization since the production of the company deals with general application of appliances that are being produced since the make-up of these products are similar with other appliance products. When these companies ventured into one, there are changes that have been made. In this case, such changes include changes in strategy and approach of Human Resource Management. If there is indeed a change for Human Resource Management, therefore, the perfect pendulum of such a change is the SWOT analysis to test whether the changes in Human Resource Management is in accordance and jive with the vision of the company. In this particular case, this study will look into four key aspects of this kind of analysis. This would ensure whether the said move of these ventures with regards to its Human Resource Management Schemes would be an effective move if we are to deal with the effectiveness and welfare of the Human Resource in the company. Strategy and Change Management: Assessment 3 Company and Management Background of Sonny and Ericsson as separate entities Ericsson is a well-known company specializing in manufacturing mobile phones. The company enriched and employs people who are specializing in cellular phone technology as well as semi-conductor. In this case, the company is particular to the Human Resources which specialize in a certain field with certainly, a particular need. The website of the company (2007) described the company as "Ericsson is a world-leading provider of telecommunications equipment and related services to mobile and fixed network operators globally. Over 1,000 networks in 140 countries

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Free writing journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Free writing journal - Essay Example Connie’s attempt to become a young sexy woman attracted the eyes of Arthur Friend. And when he approached her at home, she got scared because he was not the young man he told her to be. Also, his calm voice and coaxing seemed to be too powerful for Connie. And when he told her that he will harm his family, Connie’s terror led her to come out of the house and go to him. Oates created a clear picture of one possible scenario of teenager’s fun gone wrong. Instead of just giving her the excitement of a secret life, her attempt to look and become a more mature and sexy woman led her to harm’s way. This story was in not just a good read for adolescents but it was also a lesson. It may be fiction but it can be real for some teenagers. It evokes images of violence, even rape. Though there were no explicit statements that indicated there was violence or crime that happened, the images that Oates described seemed to suggest that there was something that happened to Connie, something terrifying. It might have been in her mind only but it suggested that her encounter with Friend destroyed her attempt to delineate her two different sides. The story left us with the lesson that adolescents, same as Connie’s age, need proper guidance to prevent them from going down the wrong

Friday, July 26, 2019

English 102 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

English 102 - Research Paper Example The principles that underline the seriousness of this problem include blocks like sexual activity, universal sex education, and the availability of contraceptive options. The prime and the most pondered upon issue which is being spread like fire all around the researches in contemporary literature is teen pregnancy which is why I will provide a basis of this issue with reference to its illustration through modern art. Different beliefs are held by different people; similarly various researches show various results. Hence, for the clarification of the causes and measures for the solution of this issue, all sides have been provided and presented objectively for the formulation of the readers own opinion. As the viewpoints provided are completely valid and applicable, thus this paper provides a study reference for the elimination or decrease in the problem of teen pregnancy from the society and improving the public health sector. Allen, Joseph P., Philliber, Susan, Herrling, Scott and Kuperminc, Gabriel P. â€Å"Preventing teen Pregnancy and Academic Failure: Experimental Evaluation of a Developmentally Based Approach† Child Development 68.4 (2006): 729–742. Print. The psychological reference of this work to various social and personal issues of public health is known well. The entire article puts forth the importance of social development in high school students and the scholars suggest that both teachers and parents are well aware of the practice. This article also points out the difficulty that students and teachers face in trying to implement the broad developmental tasks. According to the approach and estimates provided on page 290 of this book, it has been elucidated that the increase in the early pregnancy is among the two most troubling trends in our society. It is suggested that there is a link between the process of childbearing of the mother and that of their daughters. As compared to the above study, this book suggests various

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hospital health issues in cleaning up after katerina by industrial Case Study

Hospital health issues in cleaning up after katerina by industrial hugienist - Case Study Example The water supply of the hospital contains raw sewerage, lethal bacteria, pesticides and insecticides. Furthermore, we have to immediately deal with mosquitoes and other insects to prevent the spread of malaria, west Nile disease etc. We are also faced with a serious problem regarding infectious waste and the possibility of exposure to biological and toxic contaminants. On the other hand, our team faces a high risk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning because the premises is unable to provide its own power supply. Therefore, all operations are powered using large FEMA portable energy generators. I carried out analytical tests on air samples from different parts of the hospital. The results are very alarming as the hospital air is contaminated with high levels of lethal air borne bacteria particularly the air sample taken from the hospital diagnostic laboratory and the operation theatres is extensively contaminated. Lack of ventilation is the major reason why air contamination has exaggerated over the last six weeks. In addition, most areas of the hospital are covered with mold therefore mold exposure is a serious issue as well. Furthermore, we need a fresh supply of vaccinations so all our workers can be immunized against disease which prevail after Katrina. (Richardson et al 2008; Nims 1999). Recommendations and Guidance: Spread of water borne diseases such as cholera needs to be controlled immediately. Clean drinking water is a basic necessity. Therefore, I strongly recommend that water for drinking and washing purposes should be boiled to kill lethal water borne pathogens. On the other hand, combination of chemical methods can also be employed to effectively remove harmful pathogens which cause diseases such as dysentery and cholera. I recommend the use of Personal Protective Equipment in order to minimize the incidence of problems associated with Carbon monoxide poisoning and exposure to air borne pathogens. However, improper use of PPE imposes serious health hazard s therefore I have planned to counsel members of our team who are not familiar with proper PPE usage. I recommend that all clean up recovery workers should use respiratory protective equipments and protective goggles while working in or near the vicinity of diagnostic lab, operation theatre and the pharmacy. It is mandatory for everyone involved in the clean up process to wear gloves (Nims 1999). I recommend that hospital cafeteria/kitchen on the first floor should be subjected to cleaning process immediately in order to prevent workers from eating in contaminated areas. Moreover, we will only be able to run one refrigerator on energy provided by the FEMA generators. Therefore, it is advisable to cook small portions of food in order to limit the use of the refrigerator. To increase ventilation I recommend the installation of portable units of Local Exhaust Ventilation systems, which would prove tremendously beneficial for long term management of air borne pathogens. (American Hospit al Association.1979). In addition, long term recovery efforts should involve the use of portable air cleaning devices which would significantly reduce the incidence of air borne diseases once the hospital service is re established. Hospitals floors should be disinfected by using combinations of disinfectants and in order to effectively eliminate molds it is necessary to dry all indoor areas. I

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Domestic Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Domestic Violence - Essay Example In recent times, reports show a wide estimate in their prevalence. In the US, it is affecting over 22% of the American women through their lifetime. Men are also falling subject to domestic violence however; in most cases, it is usually situational couple violence, therefore, likely to be physically unhurt. The following essay looks at the domestic violence situation to find out how wide spread the violence is in United States. It also looks at the current laws and initiatives put in place to counter the situation. Literature review One agreed upon definition of domestic violence are the willful intimidation, sexual assault, battery, physical assault or any other abusive behavior towards one partner by the other. Domestic violence in most cases leads to cases of psychological trauma, physical injury, and sometimes-even death. It is a fact that those women who are against violence in most cases they are often accompanied by controller comportment and emotionally abusive, which results to a systematic form of control and governance (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1). The NCADV fact sheet also contains a brief overview of the degree of domestic violence in the country. It states that statistically in every four women one is likely to experience or become a victim of domestic violence through her lifetime. ... The report also supports the argument that the cases of this abuse rarely goes to the police (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence 2). The US office of Justice is also concerned with the rise of unreported instances of domestic violence in the United States. Therefore, the department conducted various public researches on domestic violence and compiled a specific report on their findings in June 2009. The overview of the report starts with a statistical indication that between the periods of 1993 to 2005 the average rate of domestic violence per 1000 persons is 2.1 for men and 5.9 for women (Klein 1). According to the victims, the report narrates that a third of the victims reported actual physical abuse. Two thirds are those that are subject to threats by a physical attack or death. The rate of injury according to the study was over a half of the women victims. Most had mild injury marks with another percentage of about 4.5% having serious bodily harm. A percentage of about three faced sexual assault. The report also showed that women who had separated from the spouse faced a high chance of physical abuse than those who were still in their marriages. When it comes to reporting the cases and police arrest the reports shows that: a large proportion of the abuse victims tends to deny abuse contrary to the police findings and documentation. The research found that, around 29 per cent of the victims claim, there was no assault, however ironically the suspects in most situations admit to the offence with a disparity of 19 per cent (Klein, 5). According to a preliminary report by Manjoo for the U.N. special rapporteur on domestic violence against women, the poor minority together with immigrant women are

Socrates of Platonic Dialogue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Socrates of Platonic Dialogue - Essay Example Their parents, however, were often displeased with his influence on their offspring, and his earlier association with opponents of the democratic regime had already made him a controversial political figure. He made profession of no knowledge except of his own ignorance, and the famous "Socratic irony" was shown in his attitude of apparent willingness to learn from anyone who professed to know. The inevitable result of such conversations, however, was the reduction of the would-be instructor to a state either of irritation at the unmasking of his pretensions, or of humility and eagerness to be instructed by his questioner. It was natural that such a habit should create enemies, and Socrates was finally accused of introducing new gods and of corrupting the youth. His defense was conducted with his customary firm adherence to his convictions, and with entire fearlessness of consequences. He could, in all probability, have easily escaped the death sentence had he been willing to take a conciliatory tone, but he chose to drink the hemlock died (B.C. 399) a martyr to his unswerving devotion to truth. Socrates wrote nothing from which we may ascertain anything about himself and his philosophy. We have to depend on the information derived form the works of two of his distinguished scholars Plato and Xenophon and one his satirist Aristophanes. But unfortunately, these three sources also have quite contradictory views about Socrates which make the student of philosophy more skeptical about his philosophy. These three sources are (1) The Dialogues by Plato, the philosopher Plato, a younger contemporary and brilliant disciple of Socrates who presents Socrates as the main character in the majority of his dialogues. Plato characterizes Socrates as a prophet, a Christ-like figure whose unique way of inquiring originality of things inspires and compels us to investigate their reality and find the ultimate truth (2) The soldier and well-heeled country gentleman Xenophon (c. 430-c. 355), a petty bourgeois who presents Socrates as one of his own: a pompous, self-satisfied, rather dull Athenia n aristocrat with intellectual tastes and (3) The Clouds by Aristophanes, in which Socrates is presented as guilty of impiety and against the gods. As the Socrates presented by Plato in his Dialogues differ remarkably from that of the Socrates of the Clouds presetsnted by Aristophanes, and also as there are some doubts lingering over the originality and authenticity of both of them, we have to review them separartely in detail to find the original Socrates. 2. Socrates of the Clouds: Aristophanes (448-385 BC), Athenian playwright, was first and foremost a satirist. During his lifetime Athens was facing a period of convulsive cultural and social change which provided Aristophanes ready target in the politicians, poets, and philosophers of his day. His works show no sympathy for the aristocratic party in Athenian politics. He wrote more than 40 plays. The Clouds (423 BC) satirizes Socrates and presents him engaged in meditating about heaven above and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

AIPT Nomination Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

AIPT Nomination Speech - Essay Example Hence, if elected, my well-rounded background will be an ample contribution to catalyze the enhancement of AIPT. Direct Access stood as a long-awaited victory of our profession. Our focus now should concentrate more on the appropriate insurance reimbursement for Direct Access patients. Other important issues that need attention are the existence of POPTS, the practice of PT by non-licensed individuals and corporations, the challenge of PTs to continue performing spinal manipulation and electrophysiology testing and the Medicare CAP. However, Insurance Reimbursement should still be at the top of our list. After all, we first have to survive as businesses before we are able to forward other undertakings.As aCo-Chair of the AIPT, I will fully commit myself in developing a strategy that will prevent or even reverse declines in insurance reimbursement. Here, I suggest a rather aggressive strategy involving tough negotiations, use of statistical data that reflect practice patterns, the power of public relations and active participation of all members. Also, the major trend shaping health care leader ship presently is the trend toward leading across a network of partners, as opposed to leading down a hierarchical organization. Thus, there is a gre

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Discussion of Assessment and Feedback Issues Essay Example for Free

A Discussion of Assessment and Feedback Issues Essay A discussion of assessment and feedback issues Assessment is an important part of teaching and learning, the most obvious reason for carrying out assessment is to evaluate the students learning/achievement s and whether the student is heading toward the course of qualification. Teaching within NVQ the criteria is laid out for me as a teacher my role is to prepare the students to observe their performances, question them, and use assessment to make a decision as to whether my learners are competent or capable. I must also to ensure that the assessment meets the criteria and objectives of the NVQ qualification. We as the teachers/assessors want to know whether learning outcomes have been achieved, or if the student is of a standard required to pass and achieve the grade /qualification. It also helps me as the tutor up most to help determine the development the student needs during the course. Assessment is also a away to provide information on individual teacher or the institution. For example; are the teaching methods affective, are the learning objectives appropriate- are they too easy or to difficult. Assessment within my teaching domain comprises of different components, performances in the work places, the use of realistic working environment. With NVQ teaching we have specific criteria that must be covered and include skills as well as knowledge, we the assessors have the decision as to how and where the assessment takes place. NVQ level 1-2-3 hairdressing comprises of units which must be cover die, Level 3 consists of 53 credits minimum split into mandatory units -48 credits and optional unit of which is 6 credits to pass and obtain the qualification. Following VTCT/HABIA critia guide lines and assessment work book. VTCT/HABIA strongly advocates a holistic approach for assessment of learners. Examples include using one assessment method to gather evidence for a number of criteria integrating knowledge into practical observation (i. e. through oral or evidenced on analysis sheets i. e. consultation forms). I myself as a teacher of hair and beauty believe in Habia and VTCT Assessment learning and teaching strategies I believe in engaging and exciting the learner whether it means I need to change the way I assess or how I bring my knowledge forward for learners to understand and help them complete their course. I measure the achievements against the standards set out. One of the advantages of NVQs is that the whole area to be tested is set out from the start. NVQ assessment is usually internal or external or a combination of the two. Internal assessment means myself is responsible for devising and marking assessments be it using case study’s which also help develop functional/key skills, observation ,oral ,informal,ect. These then tend to be verified by the centre internal verifier. I myself am required to set work that will improve practical skills knowledge and understanding. It’s my responsibility to guide learners on the evidence that is needed to be gathered to satisfy assessment. Within my course criteria (NVQ) we use formative and summative assessment as the main hold of the course. Unlike summative assessment which relates to assessment of learning, feedback relates to assessment for learning. Assessment 1998: Torrance and Pryor 1998) which helps the learners progress (Black and William We use formative assessment as formal or informal. For assessment to function formatively, the results have to be used to adjust teaching and learning. † (Black and William 1998: pp. -16) With formative assessment we use a range of activitys, case studies, multiple choice test, practical test, projects, questioning alone or within a group. To help students understand the frame work and what is needed we use in NVQ or within my institution mile stones of 13 weeks covering formative summative and mandatory test assessment. I strongly believe in formative a ssessment for the students and me the teacher for my own evaluation as well as theses; it contributes to the learner’s progress provided guidance on how to bridge the gaps to achieve the desired results, we use ILPS to also help within this process. ILPs individual learning plans, we use these to encourage the students also for means of developing their own targets and to motivate and encourage the students learning development. These documents are updated by learner and teacher throughout the course and are used as part of the formal course assessment. Summative assessment is used for grading or within my teaching domain it’s a simple pass or fail. As stated in (Teaching skills in the further and adult education 3rd addition David Minton p 288) progression and new technology. There is no reason why a teaching session in a hairdressing salon should not be video-taped or photo graphed and presented with by the teacher to explain whys/he did what, what happened, what was observed in a group or individual work. It’s a valuable tool for evaluation as well as valid evidence. It can be shared with mentor or other tutor to compare and evaluate work, to review Atcual teaching session also and assessment of students. I myself have used this and found it a good tool to be used. In regards to questions and feed back during assessment, It’s important to be specific on what can be improved and how. Effective feedback tells the student what they have achieved and where they need to improve. Questioning is used not only as a pedagogical tool but also as a deliberate way for myself the teacher to find out what knowledge and understanding the leaner’s have gained, also to helps myself the teacher see how successful my teaching has been and what areas need to be improved . Questioning is fundamental to effective teaching and learning. As stated by ( Fisher amp; Frey 2007) Checking for understanding through questioning should not be thought as a simple two step process but rather as a complex progression as the teacher formulates and then listens to the responses of the learners, IE making them from easy to hard and simplifying them for students own level of learning. Self and peer assessment can also be beneficial in feedback and evaluation on own and peers works. As state many academic teachers still tend to retain all ownership and power in the assessment process (Dorothy spiller teaching development wahonga Feb 2012 assessment matters). Self assessment is used during formative assessment which students reflects and evaluates their own work. Seeing their strengths weaknesses and areas they feel they need to improve, helps set self goals becoming more motivated. Self assessment within my teaching area requires the student to fill out self assessment feedback forms in relation to a practical activities carried out, this help them self –evaluate their work strengths and weaknesses. â€Å"SELF ASSESMENT WITH ITS EMPHASIS ON STUDENT RESPONAIBITIY AND MAKING JUDGMENT IS NECESSARY SKILL FOR LIFE LONG LEARNING â€Å"(Bond, 1995, P. 11,). In the3 same contexts Peer feedback can also be beneficial to individuals or groups of students who are keen to experiment and use new ideas. Peers assessment involving students giving feedback on peers work can help students make sense of gaps in their own work. I see self and peer assessment beneficial where certain points are present. Designed to enhance learning ,involving learners in judging own work, help improve and motivated owns mind and work . Boud, D (1995). Enhancing learning through self-assesment. London:Koger page. Boud, (1995 P. 11. ). (Black and William 1998: pp. 5-16) Douglas Fisheramp; Nancy Frey 2007 www. reading,org questioning. (Teaching skills in the further and adult education 3rd addition David Minton p 288)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategies of Infosys Technologies Ltd

Strategies of Infosys Technologies Ltd Strategic management Strategic management defines the art of planning the business to the positive level. It is the duty of the companys leader to make an effective strategic plan. Strategic management focuses on building a solid underlying structure to the business Strategic management relies on three important factors: 1. Businesss objectives? 2. Ways to achieve those objectives? 3. Resources required to achieve those business objectives Strategic management helps in allocating right amount of resources to the different parts of business so that those resources will help achieve the strategic goals. The workers should be provided with necessary training, all information, data and work process are tested. This would help the organisation lead in a successful path, organisation needs are met, the work are aligned together enabling companies to move up in facing to new changes and competition Leadership Peter Drucker: The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers. To gain followers requires influence but doesnt exclude the lack of integrity in achieving this. Indeed, it can be argued that several of the worlds greatest leaders have lacked integrity and have adopted values that would not be shared by many people today. John C Maxwell : leadership is influence nothing more, nothing less. This moves beyond the position defining the leader, to looking at the ability of the leader to influence others both those who would consider themselves followers, and those outside that circle. Leader is one who leads the others, either in right way or the wrong way, that all depends on the leader. Leadership qualities are inbuilt which should be developed, good leadership is easier to practice in an organization. Good leadership requires deep human qualities. In todays world good leaders are made and they act as enabling force in developing people and organization. Leadership qualities help in achieving peoples needs and organisational needs. Effective leadership requires good attitudes and behaviours which relate to humanity. Leadership involves decision making and actions, leaders are one important person because they have unique responsibility towards people and organisation. They should acquire skills and knowledge to perform organisational activities. They should be strong by emotion and behaviour characters this would help in understanding and resolving employee issues The strategic management and leadership are deeply aligned with each others, if both are taken in right path it would lead to organisation success. Today in this competitive world the number 1 companies of all sectors is because of the effective leadership and strategic management. Both these are like eyes of an organisation one cannot survive without the other. For example the worlds richest man Carlos slim is one good example for leadership and good strategic management; he has 90% of the telecom sector in Mexico. He is the leader and he planned in such a way that the organization has grown from a initial stage, step by step it attained gradual growth and now it is well known in the world, there are so many organisation which were very popular and now they do not have an existence; do you think why it happened to those organisation, it is because it could be a change in the leader or could be a poor strategic management. There are occasions where bankrupt organisations rise up in t he market this also happens because of the leader and strategic management. 1.2 1.3 The role of leadership in management is largely determined by the Organizational culture of the company. It said that managers belief, values and assumptions are critical importance to the overall style of leadership that they adopt. There are different leadership style that can be identified Within each of the following management techniques. Autocratic The word Autocratic itself defines self oriented, the leader him self is the decision maker, he dominates his team members, he always uses force to achieve objectives, this type of leadership approach will result to resistance from team members, the team members will find it hard to cooperate with the leader because the leader will have a continual pressure on his team members to get the output. This type of approach is carried by many leaders I the organisation, as far as people has done a research on leadership style and it was said this leadership style is not a good way to get things done, even though it is practices in many places it yields a good result. Lassie faire This leadership style has little or no control on his ream members, it reflects that the leader is no way bothered about the result or the team members, the team member have to perform their roles and duties, they need to tackle upon the difficult situation without the leader, the team members will perform to an extent because they do have little motivation and direction. This kind of leadership style is effective when people are subject matter expertise, highly motivated and skilled people. The leaders will not set any goal for them, they need to create their own and work towards achieving it. Democratic The word democracy defines for the people, by the people and of the people, many countries in the world follow democratic type of rule, similarly organisational Leaders follow democratic leadership style, here leaders make decision by consulting his team members because each one think differently from different perspective, here the leader has possibilities where in he could pick the best choice or upgrade his ideas based on the feedback given by his team members but still he gains control over the team. The team members will decide how the task be completed who will be the right person, here there are possibilities of identifying the strength of each and every Individual, here participation will be one main aspect, team bonding, group work, group discussion and equal delegation of work is possible, team can perform well in this case. Although every thing happens in team the responsibility of the result or output will affect the team leader. Motivation and direction will be an important factor of this leadership style. Today most of the corporate, software and BPO industries in the world follow this kind of leadership style and I believe this as the most successful leadership style. Transactional The leader sets some standards for every individual, the follower or the individual is rated based on the performance standard. This is basically set in every organisation for every department. This leadership style is useful to analyse the performance review and rate the employees Transformational This leadership style creates a change in every individual, it has the ability to inspire and motivate employees to achieve new heights, this style depends only on the leader. This leadership is successful when the leaders decision is right. Charismatic This leadership style creates a positive approach in an environment, the leader is been inspired by the team member, here the leader is considered friendly, easy approachable, the team members will have a great opinion on the leader, the team members would walk with the team leaders opinion. This type of leaders are the most successful in the organisation. They bring change to environment in the organisation and people in the organisation Visionary This leadership style focuses on the future, it is a kind of prediction, and they work on attaining the organisational objectives. They put focus on where they are and what they want to be. They work to attain the future goals. Background of the company Infosys Technologies Ltd. was started in 1981 by 7 people with USD 250. Today, we are a global leader in the next generation of IT and consulting with revenues of US$ 5.7 billion. Infosys defines, designs and delivers technology-enabled business solutions that help Global 2000 companies. Infosys also provides a complete range of services by leveraging our domain and business expertise and strategic alliances leading technology providers. Infosys pioneered the global delivery model (GDM), which emerged as a disruptive force in the industry leading to the rise of offshore outsourcing. The GDM is based on the principle of taking work to the location where the best talent is available, where it makes the best economic sense, with the least amount of acceptable risk. Infosys has a global footprint with 65 offices and 59 development centers in India, China, Australia, the Czech Republic, Poland, the UK, Canada and Japan. Infosys and its subsidiaries have 127,779 employees as on December 31, 2010. Infosys takes pride in building strategic long-term client relationships. Over 97% of revenues come from existing customers (FY 10). This organisation Infosys has different leadership style. They do follow autocratic, democratic, lassie faire, transactional, transformational and visionary leadership styles. Autocratic: There are certain departments in Infosys where in they follow autocratic style. This depends on how the process is to be done. They get instructions from their clients to work on a project, the leader delegates the work to their team members. The team members works on the project and completes it as per the instruction from their leader. Democratic: The IT sector of Infosys has several project, they work on the home page and navigating page of some web pages like Google, twitter etc. here the leader asks for the suggestion from the team members, upon debate and discussion and acceptance from team members and team leader, the project continues. Lassie faire: The team leaders give their deal line to their subordinates to work on the project. If suppose the deadline is a month they do not care for the first 20 days, the 21st day they have a check on the team member, then he cares on the work and at the final stage the work will be completed. Transformational: The team leader delegates work to every individual, a team member may be specialist in programmer, but he delegate the work to other person in the tea and delegate the coding work to the specialist in the programmer, there are possibilities where the team member will learn all sectors of their project, in other part he may get vexed because he is been allotted with some work which he is not related to. Charismatic: We could see several managers in our concern, they have a good understanding about their team members. The leaders know who their members are and what could they do. In similar way the team members understands their leader because the leader would have approached them in a friendly manner apart from leader, the leader inspires them in every aspect so the team member would do anything for them in terms of work.This method of leadership is carried out in every organisation. Even though every employee has dissatisfaction in their job they do it ether they have to do it or for the sake to save their leader from problems. 2.1 2.2 The role of leadership in management is largely determined by the organizational culture of the company. It said that managers belief, values and assumptions are critical importance to the overall style of leadership that they adopt. There are different leadership style that can be identified within each of the following management techniques. Autocratic The word Autocratic itself defines self oriented, the leader him self is the decision maker, he dominates his team members, he always uses force to achieve objectives, this type of leadership approach will result to resistance from team members, the team members will find it hard to cooperate with the leader because the leader will have a continual pressure on his team members to get the output. This type of approach is carried by many leaders I the organisation, as far as people has done a research on leadership style and it was said this leadership style is not a good way to get things done, even though it is practices in many places it yields a good result. Lassie faire This leadership style has little or no control on his ream members, it reflects that the leader is no way bothered about the result or the team members, the team member have to perform their roles and duties, they need to tackle upon the difficult situation without the leader, the team members will perform to an extent because they do have little motivation and direction. This kind of leadership style is effective when people are subject matter expertise, highly motivated and skilled people. The leaders will not set any goal for them, they need to create their own and work towards achieving it. Democratic The word democracy defines for the people, by the people and of the people, many countries in the world follow democratic type of rule, similarly organisational Leaders follow democratic leadership style, here leaders make decision by consulting his team members because each one think differently from different perspective, here the leader has possibilities where in he could pick the best choice or upgrade his ideas based on the feedback given by his team members but still he gains control over the team. The team members will decide how the task be completed who will be the right person, here there are possibilities of identifying the strength of each and every Individual, here participation will be one main aspect, team bonding, group work, group discussion and equal delegation of work is possible, team can perform well in this case. Although every thing happens in team the responsibility of the result or output will affect the team leader. Motivation and direction will be an important factor of this leadership style. Today most of the corporate, software and BPO industries in the world follow this kind of leadership style and I believe this as the most successful leadership style. Transactional The leader sets some standards for every individual, the follower or the individual is rated based on the performance standard. This is basically set in every organisation for every department. This leadership style is useful to analyse the performance review and rate the employees Transformational This leadership style creates a change in every individual, it has the ability to inspire and motivate employees to achieve new heights, this style depends only on the leader. This leadership is successful when the leaders decision is right. Charismatic This leadership style creates a positive approach in an environment, the leader is been inspired by the team member, here the leader is considered friendly, easy approachable, the team members will have a great opinion on the leader, the team members would walk with the team leaders opinion. This type of leaders are the most successful in the organisation. They bring change to environment in the organisation and people in the organisation Visionary This leadership style focuses on the future, it is a kind of prediction, and they work on attaining the organisational objectives. They put focus on where they are and what they want to be. They work to attain the future goals. Background of the company Infosys Technologies Ltd. was started in 1981 by 7 people with USD 250. Today, we are a global leader in the next generation of IT and consulting with revenues of US$ 5.7 billion. Infosys defines, designs and delivers technology-enabled business solutions that help Global 2000 companies. Infosys also provides a complete range of services by leveraging our domain and business expertise and strategic alliances leading technology providers. Infosys pioneered the global delivery model (GDM), which emerged as a disruptive force in the industry leading to the rise of offshore outsourcing. The GDM is based on the principle of taking work to the location where the best talent is available, where it makes the best economic sense, with the least amount of acceptable risk. Infosys has a global footprint with 65 offices and 59 development centers in India, China, Australia, the Czech Republic, Poland, the UK, Canada and Japan. Infosys and its subsidiaries have 127,779 employees as on December 31, 2010. Infosys takes pride in building strategic long-term client relationships. Over 97% of revenues come from existing customers (FY 10). This organisation Infosys has different leadership style. They do follow autocratic, democratic, lassie faire, transactional, transformational and visionary leadership styles. Autocratic: There are certain departments in Infosys where in they follow autocratic style. This depends on how the process is to be done. They get instructions from their clients to work on a project, the leader delegates the work to their team members. The team members works on the project and completes it as per the instruction from their leader. Democratic: The IT sector of Infosys has several project, they work on the home page and navigating page of some web pages like Google, twitter etc. here the leader asks for the suggestion from the team members, upon debate and discussion and acceptance from team members and team leader, the project continues. Lassie faire: The team leaders give their deal line to their subordinates to work on the project. If suppose the deadline is a month they do not care for the first 20 days, the 21st day they have a check on the team member, then he cares on the work and at the final stage the work will be completed. Transformational: The team leader delegates work to every individual, a team member may be specialist in programmer, but he delegate the work to other person in the tea and delegate the coding work to the specialist in the programmer, there are possibilities where the team member will learn all sectors of their project, in other part he may get vexed because he is been allotted with some work which he is not related to. Charismatic: We could see several managers in our concern, they have a good understanding about their team members. The leaders know who their members are and what could they do. In similar way the team members understands their leader because the leader would have approached them in a friendly manner apart from leader, the leader inspires them in every aspect so the team member would do anything for them in terms of work. This method of leadership is carried out in every organisation. Even though every employee has dissatisfaction in their job they do it ether they have to do it or for the sake to save their leader from problems. CONTINGENCY THEORY Every leader has different working style and he is contingent to situational factors, capabilities and behaviour of their team members. This theory provides perspective and management based on the priority, it started with the dependency, depending on the people needs and requirement this concept came into existence, this would give a brief of which material is required and which is not required by the people. So the organisation with the contingency theory can work on the requirement. Task 3 3.1 3.2 Globalisation: Effective management and leadership are two most important factors of an organisation, many organisation fail because of the poor leadership, in this global world two third of employers admit that they have poor leadership development. Today in this global market, a leader with good leadership qualities are welcomed every part of the world, there are some disadvantages because they do not have their own customer base, the customers are worldwide and they have to serve every customers, same way competition plays a major part on the opportunity, relocation of employees also happens because of globalisation, it is the business knowledge, awareness, understanding cultural difference, commitment towards job, personal and professional integrity which makes an individual a good leader. The management recruits or looks for those kind of person in leadership role Ethics and corporation: Leader is also a human like others, the reason being he has developed certain qualities; people rate the behaviours such as performance management and personal management. More over the leader should treat his followers fair with ethics; he has to enhance employee management more than performance management. Treatment of all employees fair and equal, easy approachable, keeps on his commitment, no favourites, supports employees and appreciates when does a good job, supports personal development of employees, ongoing feedback in business. These are the key aspects where in the manager or a leader should possess. Corporate social responsibility Organisational operations are of two types inner circle and outer circle, inner circle is the process that happens within the people and the process i.e the quality of the management, the other one deals with the outer world, in what ways the society and the outer stakeholders look at the organisation, mostly people look at the outer part how has the company done in terms of product and services, how it is been familiar within people based on environment and workforce, its financial analysis and focus on the future. When the organisation grew the people in the organisation should grew with good change in the economic and environment changes to the society, many organisation in this country follow CSR to advertise themselves to the market and would like to get interest in people and stakeholders Merger and acquisition Merger is merging one organisation with the other and acquisition in acquiring or controlling another organisation, this happens to enlarge its business in the global market, quality staffs with good knowledge about the market, when one business is underperforming so to lift up merger or acquisition takes place, to increase the customer base, to make production and provide service, to be one among the competitive organisations of the world. Apart from this there are even certain disadvantages that could take place because of merger and acquisition, things go wrong when nothing happens as expected. 3.3 We are not now as we were 20 years ago, day by day everything changes but we could not realise it now, when we look after years we could see everything has changed, similarly our planet is changing with change in countrys economy, standards, and way of living. Even the organisational structure changes with change in leaders, the leaders should be distinct with their attitudes, they are the one who are going to deceide on the future, their decision affects them as well as their followers, so he should be good in knowledge, personal and professional skills, he shouls be trained in all aspects of the organisation, deision making and problem solving. These attitudes will create a change in the working environment and that would lead the organisation to a successful path. 4.1 4.2 Leaders are the one who leads others, they know more than the followers because they are going to lead them, in order to lead them the leader should be well trained in all aspects, the organisation should provide training through professionals, course that would be useful in implementing it in organisation, seminars and workshop, which can provide some experience for the leaders. Formal learning: Formal learning is usual training that is provided to the leaders in educating them about the specifications, formal training differs as per the persons. Self help Self help is improving from one point to other without the help of others, here we need to understand who we are and what needs to be done in improving ourselves. Development activities Training, courses, job rotation, executive coaching, monitoring, reading article etc are some of the development activities that takes place in every Organisation, the leader should be trained on one or more aspects, if he undergoes such development activities he would attain certain leadership skills, that could be executed in his professional career, he could understand the followers attitude and mentality and help them when required, if possible he could train them with these qualities and make them a future leader. My leader at Infosys was amazing, he understands his team members and cope up with them during hard situations, he undergoes training that are allocated to him by the organisation and training that are done by leading professionals in the market, he wasted to educate him self in all aspects, reading books, browsing through web and listening to speech made by top man in every organisations, he allocates himself in every job shifts giving equal importance to every individual in team and monitoring them. These methods shape in every individual with required development in leadership skills. sdjbsj 1.1 link 1.3

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Purpose Of The External Audit Report Accounting Essay

Purpose Of The External Audit Report Accounting Essay This assignment is going to include a discussion on the perception of the external audit report, an explanation how and why wording in the external audit report has evolved, as well as an explanation and discussion on the IAASBs proposals and a comment on possible future developments. Purpose of the external audit report When dealing with the purpose of the external audit report it comes down to who is being asked the question as there are many perceptions as to what exactly the purpose actually is. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia believe The objective of the financial statement audit is to add credibility to managements financial statements. (The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia 2008). They also go on to say how an audit allows different user groups to feel more confident in an entitys financial statements because there is reasonable assurance that a true and fair view is present. (The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia 2008) However some users of accounts see things differently Others felt that the auditor should not only provide an audit opinion, but also interpret the financial statements in such a manner that the user could evaluate whether to invest in the entity (McEnroe Martens, 2001: 347). Looking at things from yet another angle the law also has an opinion on the purpose of auditors and audit reports, in the famous case of Kingston Cotton Mills Co. (1896) Lord Justice Lopez stated An auditor is not bound to be a detective, or, as was said to approach his work with suspicion, or with a foregone conclusion that there is something wrong. He is a watchdog, not a bloodhound. (Court of Appeal 1896) Basically meaning the audit report can never be guaranteed to have zero errors. To summarise things a just definition that probably would be accepted by a majority of parties is that the purpose of an external audit report is to express an opinion as to whether or not the information presented in the financial statements reflects the financial position of an organisation at a particular date, thereby providing reasonable assurance of a true and fair view. However different users will most likely always perceive the purpose slightly differently to each other, removing the expectations gap is easier said than done. Public accounting professions will have to react and evolve fast enough to keep up to pace with the changing business and social environment to completely eliminate the gap. (Sherer Turley, 1997) How and why the wording in the external audit report has evolved One reason as to why the wording of external audit reports evolved was the fact that terminology in the reports was not always interpreted the same way, existing audit reports are misunderstood by many readers (Bailey, Bylinski Shields, 1983: 355) (McEnroe Martens, 2001: 348) The table above shows how the phrase present fairly was perceived in different ways not only by investors but also by auditors themselves. Although there were proposals to have this phrase removed from the audit report strong resistance from the financial community meant it was never enacted. Terminology being interpreted differently led to an information gap and to counter this as well as enhance overall communication between auditors and financial statement users, the Cohen commission and Treadway commission made many recommendations. One proposal which was successful and lead to a change was the addition of a paragraph explaining the scope of the audit (PCAOB 2011). Another reason for change is the planned global harmonisation of standards. With the ASB and IAASB planning on converging U.S GAAS and the International Standards on auditing there became a need to provide more consistency across international borders. (Morris Thomas, 2011) One way to ensure the wording is clearer and easier to understand is the new definitions section, The Definitions section defines any terms or expressions that are being introduced in a standard for the first time. (Morris Thomas, 2011: 2) The wording of the external audit report has evolved because what is being demanded has changed. Users want greater clarity along with more transparency because more than ever individuals want a deeper insight in to an audited firms financial statements, which is probably a result of the recent financial crisis which hit the global business world with no clear warnings. (Bussiere Fratzscher 2006) However the difficulty lies in finding cost effective solutions which still enable some form of commonality to maintain consistency internationally. IAASBs proposals The IAASB has proposed the inclusion of an Auditor Commentary section. This would help users of the statements understand more what exactly the auditor is doing and the processes he carries out to develop an opinion, meaning there may be a reduction in the expectations gap. However the commentary relies on the auditors judgement on what is most likely to be important, meaning different auditors may reach different conclusions, which could in turn lead to differences of opinion; this may affect the harmonisation of audit reports and comparability. Also the commentary would be provided at the discretion of the auditor, meaning more time and effort would have to go in to each audit but with no extra fee, one may question the cost effectiveness. However other entities such as investors may benefit because increased understanding may lead to greater usefulness when it comes to decision making. An alternative could be a universal section explaining audited financial statements or the audit ; even though no two audits are exactly alike this approach could still help develop basic understanding and would also ease the auditors tasks. One may expect investors and shareholders would be in favour of the proposal whilst auditors may not be as pleased unless fees also increase proportionally. Another proposal is to assess managements assumptions in a conclusion. A conclusion including the appropriateness of the going concern assumption and whether material uncertainties have been identified may help point out early issues that need to be dealt with, this could in fact prevent future unexpected financial crisis from occurring and may also increase financial statement transparency. However the report should be neither overly optimistic or pessimistic. One may also expect a reduction in the information gap. Its fair to say most stakeholders would be in favour of this proposal, apart from managers of course. Also proposed was a statement as to whether any material inconsistencies between the audited financial statements and other information have been indentified, this may enhance the report providing a clearer and maybe even a more complete picture of a firm and operations. An issue is that not all future events can be predicted accurately and so a statement about the absence of material uncertainties is not a guarantee, users may misinterpret this which would widen the expectations gap. Prominent placement of the auditors opinion and other entity- specific information along with further suggestions to provide transparency were also proposed. This may help assist when it comes to navigating through complex financial statements and will also help point out specific areas were the auditors effort was focused. A narrowing of the information and expectation gap may be the outcome however one could argue changes to the audit report alone may not be enough and that information outside of statements also has to improve to provide a more meaningful change. A possible alternative could therefore be to provide authoritative educational material maintained by the IAASB, in a sense helping users navigate through reports more freely although the problem which arises here is a general guide may not be specific enough. Possible future developments Users of financial statements seem to be in agreement that audit reports need to improve and welcome the fact that the IAASB has sought improvement I am fully supportive of your current initiative (Robert Mednick, 2012), however not all users believe the suggestions made are appropriate we do not agree with the proposals (Roger Harrington, 2012). To summarise some stakeholders believe the proposals given would just lead to a duplication of information provided by managers and that the report would become prone to boilerplate commentary. (WESTWORTH KEMP, 2012) Although they may provide more information to underpin the pass or fail opinion there may be potential for increased audit costs. It may be appropriate to not make some aspects of the improvements mandatory and instead include a voluntary element. Also any going concern commentary should be clear and evident to users so that comments are not taken out of context. However a lot of users agreed with the proposed changes and with a few minor adjustments believed they would be affective, in general, the suggested improvements are appropriate( ACCA, 2012), so in the near future one may see the suggestions made put in to effect. Conclusion To conclude my research suggests that audit reports need to evolve and improve to keep up with the changing business and social environment and the IAASBs proposals are a step in the right direction. Although the suggestions made could have an inverse impact the potential for benefit vastly outweighs this. The proposals target a number of issues such as transparency and usefulness and have the capability to be operated internationally. However one may be concerned by users misunderstanding comments which would then widen the expectations gap. Word count: 1541 References Journal Article McEnroe Martens, JEM SCM, 2001. Auditors and Investors Perceptions of the Expectation Gap. American Accounting Association Accounting Horizons, Vol 15 No. 4 , 345-358. Journal Article with two authors Bussiere Fratzscher, MB MF, 2006. Towards a new early warning system of  ¬Ã‚ nancial crises.  Journal of International Money and Finance, vol 25 issue 6, 953-973. Journal Article with three or more authors Bailey, Bylinski Shields, KEB, JHB MDS, 1983. Effects of Audit Report Wording Changes on the Perceived Message.  Journal of Accounting Research, vol 21 No. 2, 355-370. Electronic Journal Article Morris Thomas, JTM CWT, 2011. Clarified Auditing Standards: The Quiet Revolution Redrafting brings both significant and subtle changes.  Journal of accountancy, [Online]. vol 212 no. 6, 1-5. Available at:  [Accessed 21 December 2012]. Book with two authors Sherer Turley, MS ST, 1997.  Current Issues in Auditing  . 3rd ed. SAGE. Website ACCA. 2012.  IFAC. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 December 12]. Court of Appeal. 1896.  in Re Kingston Cotton Mill Company. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 December 12]. WESTWORTH KEMP. 2012.  IFAC. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 December 12]. PCAOB. 2011.  Auditors Reporting Model. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 December 12]. Robert Mednick. 2012.  IFAC. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 December 12]. Roger Harrington. 2012.  IFAC. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 December 12]. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. 2008.  The role and function of external auditors  . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 December 12].

Comparing Ralph and Jack to Show How the Characters Change in Lord of t

Comparing Ralph and Jack to Show How the Characters Change in Lord of the Flies Golding uses many techniques to change his characters as they progress throughout the novel. The main character Ralph is a prime example of this developing character. Both of the boys arrive on the island with a certain manner. They are sensible and being from well brought up families and homes, soon start to work together in harmony on the island. The first time we encounter Ralph is at the beginning of the novel where he is described as "The boy with fair hairà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦[He had] taken off his school sweater...[His] grey shirt tuck to his back and his hair was plastered to his forehead." The fact he has fair hair and also the quote "built like a boxer" suggest he could be a heroic figure. This emphasised by Golding when he clearly shows Ralph to be from a public school as he "has taken off his school sweater." We can see that Ralph is still clearly a child at this point in the novel, he "stands on his head" and uses juvenile language such as "Whacko" and "Wizard" When the voice of piggy shouts out, he stops and waits. This shows us an insight that he is willing to wait for this unknown person, but he "jerks up his stockings" Golding uses this to show us that he is impatient too. Later on in the chapter we see Ralph being "offhand" and "obviously uninterested" towardsPiggy. We feel sympathetic to Piggy as he is seen as an outcast from the very beginning. We can see that Piggy is knowledgeable as he spots the conch, and knows what it is. Although Piggy found it, Ralph is the person who swims down to the bottom of the lagoon and collects it from the reeds, showing us that he is clearly strong and fit, as he can swim. T... ...e and ape-like" and finally his painted face, hiding all innocents and his sinister side. Near the end of the novel, he feels no shame about the deaths of Simon and Piggy, nor his attempts to kill Ralph. In the novel Jack and his tribe represent anarchy and the downward spiral of civilisation. This is most seen when the conch, which throughout the novel is the symbol of humanity and civilisation, is smashed. Both Ralph and Jack have changed throughout the novel. Golding presents both of them as young innocent children at the beginning. They are almost unrecognisable by the end. They have changed both physical and mentally. There is an intervention at the end: the Naval officer, jokes about them "having a war or something?" and this of course is exactly what is happening. The moral of the novel is with out intervention, which will win, good or evil?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Dimensional Argument Against the Snowball Earth Hypothesis :: essays research papers

A most recent inquiry into climatic change during the ice age and it's possibility of reoccurring is the Snowball Earth Hypothesis advanced by Paul Hoffman of Harvard University. Snowball Earth Suggest that before the Ice age, continents ice free at the poles enhanced the reabsorption of carbon dioxide through erosion of silicate minerals, reducing the greenhouse effect making the earth colder until it reached a runaway point. This effect is Hoffman calls albedo, when the atmosphere becomes so cold it can never warm up again. This is what occurred during the ice age, until volcano activity saturated the atmosphere with carbon dioxide to a point that it trapped radiation from the Sun and rewarmed the climate causing glacial thaw. Evidence of this event is cap carbonates that show relative dating at the ice age, found in abundance in several different world regions, at certain levels the cap carbonates would indicate if carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere, by showing carbon levels that would demonstrate how much photosynthesis was occurring. Iron rich rock deposits indicate that absents of oxcidation would mean the atmosphere contain no oxygen, without oxygen their is no life, therefore other evidence of total extinction. So experts dispute the oceans were encased beneath a kilometer thick sheet of ice sheet, or that all life became extinct. The evidence of the Snowball effect is challenged that levels of carbon had not reached those required to satisfy the model and that alternative models are possible to explain the arrival and conclusion of the ice age. Iron had not oxidized because the glacials prevented contact with the atmosphere that would of subjected these rocks to mechanical weathering. The Snowball Earth Hypothesis bases its theory on an invalid model of earth at that time. Ancient earth of the Proterozoic 750 million years ago existed in a separate dimension then what the model is based upon. There wasn't much of an ocean completely beneath a glacial sheet of ice a kilometer thick. The plate tectonic model of pangaea locates it with Antarctica, this shifts the planetary land of the continents to one hemisphere and connects it with already glacial covered Antarctica. So rather than ice on the ocean around the Antarctica, the glaciation would be linked on pangaea surface; wouldn't this detrital effect sort of conduct the refrigeration and branch out the glacial even further into the continent, instead of a lack of CO2, temperature variation occurs from extended glacial mass that colds everything within reach of its frost thermal gradient, slightly different sort of albedo than Snowball Earth describes.